Creating Corie Says

This website, and the Corie Says e-newsletter, are a tribute to my late friend, my Grammy Carole.  My Gram was always encouraging me to follow through on my dreams and was both a cheerleader and inspiration in my life.  

Years ago, Grammy used to type an annual newsletter and physically mail it out to all of her family and friends during the holidays.  The Christmas after she passed, I wanted to write a newsletter and send it to all of her friends and our family but I hit a mental block.  Something bigger started to build inside of me and was urging me to write a monthly newsletter and follow through on that website I always said I wanted to create.  

If you knew her, you probably feel like she is still here, supporting you and encouraging you to be the best version of yourself and to follow our dreams.  I know I do. 

I hope you enjoy this website and that you are inspired to not only follow your dreams, but to make them happen!

The Team

Me. Myself. I. 

Currently, I am a team of one.  If you are interested in learning along with me how to start up and maintain a website, message me.  I am always interested in collaborating with fun, positive and inspirational people!

Corie Conklin

My favorite color is pastel rainbow. I love all things small. Clown's scare me. I really do get distracted by shiny things.  I am a good dancer but have terrible rhythm when trying to drum along to a song.  I'm a sugar addict. I'm terrible with remembering dates and names. I love animals. I'm afraid of sharks and overwhelmed by whales. I love Daria...and Lucy.  I want to travel always and wherever I can.  I love camping. I grind my teeth, struggle with weight and am always striving to be the best version of me that I can be. 

This Could Be You

Love to learn, explore, inspire, motivate and have fun...this spot could be yours.

Rodan and Fields

I love that feeling of being comfortable in my own skin and I love helping others feel that way too.  Interested in a new skin routine, just reach out to me.